Applications Filtration - JRS Cellulose Filter Aid in Depth Filtration
Applications Filtration - JRS Cellulose Filter Aid in Depth Filtration

Cellulose Filter Aids for Diverse Application Fields.

The variety of JRS products specifically developed for precoat filtration guarantees an effective and cost-efficient solution for practically every filtration and solid-liquid separation task.

Application Fields of Precoat Filtration

Satisfied customers all over the world are using filter aids from JRS in the following areas:

  • Pharmaceutical and chemical industry
  • Food and edible oil industry
  • Beverages, fruit juices, and liquors
  • Metal-processing industry
  • Waste water technology and sludge treatment
Application Fields of Precoat Filtration
Application Fields of Precoat Filtration

Unbeatable Even in Mixes

In certain cases, mixtures of organic and mineral components are advantageous and advisable.

Safe and Reliable

Organic filter aids form highly porous filter cakes with numerous voids and very fine canals. They securely hold fibrils and particles back and guarantee the user high throughput rates combined with long filter lifetimes.

High Cost Effectiveness

In general, organic filter aids are especially suitable as efficient, economical and environmentally-friendly alternatives to diatomaceous earth and perlite.

No Restrictions

Organic filter aids from JRS can be easily used in all common precoat filter systems. The variety of JRS products specifically developed for this application area ensures an efficient and economical solution for practically every filtration job.

All Purpose

JRS products can be used up to a 100% as basic precoating and/or long-term dosing-completely analogue to diatomaceous earth or perlite.

Especially under Pressure

Due to their flexible, pressure-elastic and structure-lending properties, organic filter aids are also preferred for use as compressing and dewatering aids. The highly effective drainage action of organic fibers lead to measurably higher throughputs and product yields (filtrate), shorter pressing cycles and higher dry substance contents in cakes. At the same time, the fibers reliably prevent the smearing of the cloth and, as a result, make subsequent cleaning of the filter element much easier.

Customized Services in the Global JRS Network

  • System and technology partner of the industry
  • Competent application consulting
  • Worldwide logistics support
  • Support for dosing and conveying technology questions
  • Support in process optimization
  • Quality and documentation management

Benefit from JRS technology advantage for your competitive edge!

Customized Services in the Global JRS Network
Customized Services in the Global JRS Network
Added value through customized customer projects
Added value through customized customer projects

Added Value through Tailored Customer Projects

As a system and technology partner, we provide many individual solution packages for our customers' tasks. Often, certain environmental conditions in manufacturing processes require individual adjustments in raw material selection or fiber textures. 

With support in the plant integration of dosing and conveying equipment, we are available to you as your contact partner. With our special application and functional expertise and our decades of technology experience, we always find the right solution for you. 

Be it in the area of application adaptation, developing completely new approaches, supporting system technology or clarifying issues in services or logistics.

JRS stands for highest quality in production and service.
JRS stands for highest quality in production and service.

JRS Stands for Highest Quality in Production and Service.

For this purpose, we provide all relevant interfaces in documentation, organization, and communication.

We look forward to your tasks!

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